sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2011

The Knitting and Stitching Show


     Hoy he pasado mi dia en la feria de el punto y la costura en Dublin! Ha sido una operacion militar!, tenia apuntado en un bloc todo lo que tenia que comprar, stands que queria visitar, ... y para mi sorpresa, me ha dado tiempo a todo!
     No os voy a mostrar mis compritas ( aun estan en una enorme bolsa), pero si quiero mostraros lo que mas me ha llamado la atencion de la feria, si os apetece verlo.


     I have been at the Knitting and Stiching show in Dublin today! I have had a great time, I got to finish all my shopping, visited all the stands I had on my list, ...
     I am not going to show you my shopping ( it is still in a huge bag on the landing), instead I would like to show you, what I thought to be the best of the show. I hope you like it as much as I did.

Me encanta!
I love it!

Un saludo,
All the best,

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