Por fin tengo mi maquina de coser en casita!. No creais que he estado aburrida sin ella, he cosido un poquito a mano, he organizado mis telas, y sobre todo he visitado una cantidad de blogs enorme!. La consecuencia es que ahora tengo una lista aun mas larga de tutoriales que me gustaria probar!.
Y para dar la bienvenida a mi maquinita he cosido estos bloques,
Hi there!
I have my sewing machine back!, I have been quite busy hand sewing, organising my material, and reading hundreds of blogs!. Consequence of this, I have a huge list of tutorials I would like to try! Is that a good thing?
Anyway to welcome back my baby I have sewn these blocks,
107 Windblown Square |
5 Bat Wing |
Este ha sido una pesadilla, no he conseguido unir todos los puntos en el centro. Despues de coser y descoser bastantes veces he decidido dejarlo estar, tendre que vivir con esta imperfeccion!, una mas en la lista!, je, je.
This block has been an absolutely nightmare, I haven't managed to join the central points. After all the sewing, ripping stitches, headaches, ... I have decided to leave it as it is, I will have to live with this!.
18 Century of Progress |
Espero que os gusten,
Un saludo,
All the best,
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