Como va la costura? Yo no he hecho muchos progresos esta semana por falta de tiempo. Ademas, al estar trabajando en distintos quilts en este momento y dedicando un poquitin de tiempo a cada uno, no veo mucho progreso en realidad. Pero yo sigo poniendo mi granito de arena en cada uno!.
Este es el primer bloque de Beautes florissantes, es un sampler de la revista Magic Patch.
Hi guys,
How is your sewing going? I haven't got a lot of time to sew this week, I have just sewn a bit here and there, so, not a lot of progress really. Anyway, I would like to show you my first block for my Beautes Florissantes sampler quilt, from the magazine Magic Patch.
Bouton D'Or |
I haven't make up my mind about sewing 16 or 20 blocks, I might wait and see. I am only going to use fabrics from my scraps basket (it needs to be emptied badly), and the plan is to assemble two blocks per month. It sounds achievable, doesn't it?. I better go and do some sewing!.
Os dejo, voy a ver si tengo tiempo para alguna puntadita,
All the best,
Un saludo,
Adorable block! I love your fabrics.