Hello! Welcome to my new little house!
A que es una monada,
y todo gracias a Carmen, por sus super tutoriales!.
I have followed Carmen's tutorial to complete this project.
Tenemos un poquito de todo, botas,
We have a bit of everything in the house, boots,
algun balon que otro,
some toys in the garden,
some trees,....
No se a vosotras, pero a mi me han encantado las asitas del bolso.
I really like the handles, it is the second time I have sewed this type of handles and will not be the last one!
Como tela interior, he utilizado una telita con florecitas en color crudo.
I have chosen a cream on cream fabric for the inside.
Pero mi tela preferida es la de el tejado, me encanta, que pena que solo compre medio metro!.
And I really really really love this fabric on the roof, I only bought 1/2 a metre, isn't that typical?
Tambien quiero agradecer a Simone por este premio. Perdonad por no elegir otros cinco blogs, pero para mi son importantes todos los blogs que sigo, me gustaria elegirlos a todos!.
I would like to thank Simone for thinking about me when choosing her 5 blogs for the Liebster award, it is such an honor!. I have to apologized for not choosing 5 blogs, I just love all the blogs I follow, and I couldn't pick only five, I would love to choose them all!. Sorry about that.
Muchisimas gracias por todos los votos de el HST festival, no gane!, pero me ha encantado participar!. Aqui os dejo el enlace para ver a las ganadoras, que envidia de quilts!.
Hasta prontito!!!!
All the best and happy sewing!.