jueves, 20 de octubre de 2011

Planes para el frio invierno. Plans for a cold winter.

FairyFace Designs


   Creo que no os habia contado que vivo en Irlanda, aunque seguramente lo habeis notado porque  no aparece mucho el sol en mis fotos!. Formo parte de un grupo en Flickr llamado Sew Irish y Sarah de Fairyface designs ha organizado un grupito donde haremos una lista de nuestros proyectos para el invierno. El plan es volver a revisar la lista a comienzos de primavera y ver que tal nos ha ido.

   No tengo muchas esperanzas de finalizar toda mi lista, porque vuelvo a trabajar prontito y no voy a tener mucho tiempo para la aguja, y mucho menos para mi querida maquina!. Pero bueno, vamos a intentarlo, aqui teneis mis planes:

Hi there,

   It is not that I am looking forward to those cold winter days, and all the winter clothes, and please tell me it will not snow this winter! But I am really looking forward to finish a few projects and because the weather will not be so nice, hopefully that will mean more time for stitching!. Yippei.

   Anyway, Sarah from Fairyface designs is organising a sewing list for us to keep track of our sewing plans. I think this will be fun!. So if my two little people, my hubby and my job let me some time off, i will sew the following:

1. I will finish my son's quilt, and this is a priority, I am hoping to finish it in the next couple of weeks. This quilt has been hanging around for a long time now.

Terminar el quilt de mi hijo, esto lo tengo como prioridad, espero terminarlo en las proximas semanas. Este quilt ya ha dado muchas vueltas!.

2. I have  two quilts that need to be finished from my 60 degree diamond epp QAL. I am so happy with this group that I might even start a third one!. Not that I need it, but it is a great project to sew in front of an open fire, perfect for winter.

Tengo dos quilts que terminar del grupo 60 degree diamond. Seguramente empiece un tercero, me encanta hacer este quilt, es genial mientras ves una pelicula, charlando, ...

3. I am working on a table runner for my mom, I am using the log cabin tecnique and it will be my first table runner.

Estoy trabajando en un camino de mesa para mi madre, estoy utilizando la tecnica log cabin, ya veremos como queda.

4. I am going back to work in a few weeks and my dear daughter will go to the creche, I couldn't possible sent her without a cute little bag sew by her mom, could I. So this is priority number 2 on my list.

Como vuelvo a trabajar prontito, mi chiquitina tendra que ir a la guarderia, y no la voy a dejar ir sin una bolsita mona para llevar sus cositas, por supuesto. Esta es mi prioridad numero dos.

5. Oh dear, my Farmer's wife quilt top!, what can I say, it needs to be finished!. If I manage to put the top together I will be delighted.

Y que decir de mi Farmer's wife quilt, tengo que terminarlo!. Si consigo terminarlo estare encantada.

6. I always like to have a couple of baby quilts ready for a last minute present, I have nothing at the moment, so i need to work on this as well. I have seen a pattern that I fancy with a tiny bit of applique, so I will be uing my rotary cutter very soon. This will also be my first encounter with applique.

Me gusta tener un par de quilts para bebes preparados por si tengo que hacer algun regalito, en estos momentos no tengo ninguno, pero he visto un patron que me gusta bastante y tiene un poquito de aplique, con lo que me voy a animar a cortar telitas muy pronto. Esta sera la primera vez que hago aplique.

7. I would love to finish quilting and binding my pretty quilt before the end of winter. I will start quilting as soon as I buy the wadding.

Me encantaria terminar de acolchar y coser el bies a mi bonito quilt antes del final del invierno. En el momento que compre la guata me pondre manos a la obra.

8. As my blog is still a baby, I still have to work a lot on it, I have a few things that I would like to change. I guess I will spent a lot of hours in front of my computer this winter!.

Como este blog es un bebe, tengo que ocuparme de el un poquito, me gustaria cambiar algunas cositas. Me imagino que voy a pasar muchas horas frente a mi ordenador este invierno!.
Will I finish all these projects this winter or the next one?
Terminare todo esto antes de que termine este invierno o el siguiente?

Un saludo,
Looking forward to check the rest of the lists!

7 comentarios:

  1. Great list, you have lots of interesting stuff going on can't wait to see how you get on with them! Thanks for linking up!

  2. That all looks like a very achievable list for the winter, it'll be great to come back and see how you are doing :)

  3. Wow, a baby quilt ready for last minute presents- I wish I had thought of that! Once I complete my current quota, I am definitely going to try to stay on top of that! I love your pretty quilt, cant't wait to see that finished and snuggly looking.

  4. I am in total agreement with you about not wanting any snow!
    Great list! Love the EPP quilt!

  5. Can't wait to see the completed works! Esp the Farmer's Wife sampler. I think I need to add that to my list...er, well, maybe that had better go on the NEXT list! LOL Good luck to you!

  6. Great list! Love the "pretty" quilt. Good luck with all of your projects.

